Securing the EU’s Resource Efficiency – A Systemic Approach, September 26, 2023

The GLOBE EU conference of September 26 focused on the need to secure the EU’s resource efficiency and prevent its economy from becoming reliant on non-energy natural resources.

Sirpa Pietikäinen, President of GLOBE EU, welcomed Stientje van Veldhoven (WRI) who emphasized the need for sufficiency in her keynote address, and Peter Handley (DG GROW) who presented the proposed Critical Raw Materials Act.  The conference aimed to address targets set by the CRMA for 2030, including a 15% target for strategic materials supplied through recycling and a 40% target for raw materials processed within the EU.

A panel of experts (Zero Waste Europe, Leiden University) presented diverse perspectives and provided concrete recommendations on meeting these targets, while also considering industry input.  Key issues addressed included funding availability, waste shipments within Europe, and sustainable design.

Industry representatives (Umicore, C&A) highlighted regulatory obstacles impeding the scaled-up development of recycling and processing capacities. The ensuing discussion focused on overcoming these obstacles to ensure the EU’s resource efficiency.

The conference provided a platform for experts and industry representatives to collaborate and work towards a more sustainable approach to resource management in the EU.


Presentation Stientje van Veldhoven

Presentation Aline Maigret

Presentation Wouter Ghyoot

Presentation Arnold Tukker

Presentation Isabella Maurizi

Speakers’ bios

Presentation Eline Boon (who had to cancel her presentation due to illness)

October 4, 2023

A blueprint for sustainable chemicals in a circular economy – May 24, 2023

GLOBE EU organized a conference on May 24, 2023, to examine the EU’s chemicals policy and regulatory framework, emphasizing the importance of science-based decision-making to achieve systemic change.  Following case studies presented by GLOBE EU Bee Group members Dow, Tarkett, and Sherwin-Williams, speakers from the European Commission, the OECD, and ChemSec discussed how sustainability should be fostered, exposure control improved, and innovation promoted throughout the chemicals value chain.

Maria Spyraki, MEP and rapporteur on the CLP Regulation (on hazard classification, labeling, and packaging of chemical substances and mixtures) in her conclusion emphasized the importance of streamlining standards to create criteria for sustainable products, setting global standards, and raising consumer awareness with a mandatory digital labeling system.

Program and speakers’ bios

Presentation Beth Uhlhorn

Presentation Myriam Tryjefaczka

Presentation Aliette Brochier

Presentation Eeva Leinala

Presentation Roberto Rinaldi

Presentation Jürgen Tiedje

June 1, 2023

GLOBE EU event marking EU Overshoot Day – May 2, 2023

GLOBE EU members Sirpa Pietikäinen, Martin Hojsík, and Margrete Auken welcomed students of the European Schools in Brussels and their teacher, Matthew Pye, who coached the students for the event.

Matthew is a philosophy professor and founder of The Climate Academy, which provides a systemic understanding of the current sustainability crisis for students from ages 14 to 18.

Overshoot day is the moment when mankind has consumed all ecological resources that the earth can regenerate in the entire year.

This year, the Global Footprint Network calculated that Overshoot Day for the EU fell on May 2, the same as last year.

GLOBE EU is grateful to President Metsola, President von der Leyen, Commissioner Sinkevičius, and Mathis Wackernagel, founder and president of the Global Footprint Network for their video messages, which were shown at the start of the event.


GLOBE EU Overshoot Day

GLOBE EU Overshoot Day

GLOBE EU Overshoot Day


May 9, 2023

After the UN 2023 Water Conference – Fighting Water Pollution, March 28, 2023

Sirpa Pietikäinen, MEP and President of GLOBE EU, and Catherine Chabaud, MEP welcomed Ani Dasgupta, President and CEO of the World Resources Institute, a GLOBE EU partner organization, for the keynote address.  Ani emphasized the need for national governments to prioritize water as a crisis issue and the impact of water scarcity on poor communities.

His comments on the outcome of the UN 2023 Water Conference were followed by a panel discussion, moderated by Catherine Chabaud, with interventions by UNEP, the European Commission (DG ENV), Bee Group member Ecolab, and The Ocean Cleanup, touching on microplastic pollution, extending producer responsibility, and recognizing water as a common good of humanity.





10h00   Welcome – Sirpa Pieikäinen, MEP and President of GLOBE EU

10h10    Introduction – Catherine Chabaud, MEP and member of GLOBE EU

10h15    Keynote Address – Ani Dasgupta, President and CEO, World Resources Institute

10h30    Panel Discussion

  • Veronika Hunt Safrankova – Head of Brussels Office UNEP
  • Veronica Manfredi, Director, DG ENV-C, European Commission
  • Tiffany Atwell, SVP Global Government Relations, Ecolab
  • João Ribeiro-Bidaoui, General Counsel & Director of Global Public Affairs, The Ocean Cleanup

11h10    Discussion with the audience

12h00   End

Speakers’ bios

Presentation Dasgupta

Presentation Safrankova

Presentation Ribeiro-Bidaoui

April 3, 2023

Climate-Resilient Water Management – March 8, 2023

On March 8, GLOBE EU member and MEP Margrete Auken hosted an event to draw attention to the need for European cities and regions to prepare for extreme weather events caused by climate change.  Representatives from Copenhagen and Porto were on call to explain the successful implementation, with support from the European Union, in their cities of infrastructure to mitigate the impact of changing precipitation patterns.  Nestlé Waters provided examples of industry’s involvement in the implementation of nature-based solutions to manage water extraction.  The World Resources Institute and the European Commission (DG CLIMA), finally, presented tools and support mechanisms available to local governments in preparing for climate adaptation.


Welcome and Introductory remarks – Margrete Auken MEP

Panel Discussion:

  • Jan Rasmussen – Project Director, City of Copenhagen
  • Felipe Araújo – Vice-Mayor, City of Porto
  • Janneke de Vries – Director for EU Partnerships, World Resources Institute
  • Cédric Egger – Head of Sustainability, Nestlé Waters
  • Willem Jan Goossen – Policy Officer, European Commission

Q&A with participants

Speakers’ bios

Presentation Jan Rasmussen

Presentation Felipe Araújo

Presentation Janneke de Vries

Presentation Cédric Egger

Presentation Willem Jan Goossen

March 15, 2023