Conference Program November 20, 2024, 17h00 – 19h00

European Parliament Brussels, Room ASP 06D128 (hybrid)

“Seeds of Change: Pioneering Innovation and Collaboration for Europe’s Sustainable Food Systems”

Event Overview:

17h00 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Co-hosts: Martin Hojsík MEP and Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy MEP

– Brief introduction to the theme and objectives of the conference.

17h10 Keynote Address

Speaker: Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, Director, DG-AGRI

-Advancing Sustainability Practices in European Agriculture & Food Sector

17h25 Panel Discussion 1: Sustainability Benchmarking Tool for EU Farms

Moderator: Martin Hojsík MEP

Panelists: Peter Meedendorp  (President, CEJA), Bart Vandewaetere (VP Corporate Communications and ESG engagement, Nestlé), Dominik Klauser (Director, Regenerative Agriculture, SAI Platform), Alex Datema (Director Food & Agri, Rabobank Netherlands)

Discussion topics:

– The proposed Sustainability Benchmarking Tool and its intended benefits for the agri-food sector.

– Examples of how the Tool can assist farmers in uncovering opportunities to adopt sustainable practices, thereby fostering market competitiveness.

– The potential for connecting the benchmarking tool with public & private incentives to enhance financial support for sustainable agriculture.

17h55 Audience questions and panel responses for Panel Discussion 1

18h10 Panel Discussion 2: Farming & Food in Europe: Sustainable Solutions

Moderator: Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy MEP

Panelists: Nicolae Ştefănuță MEP (member, GLOBE EU), Veerle Vandeweerd (Advisor, GeSI), Dorothy Shaver (Global Food Sustainability Business Leader, Unilever), Nicolas Verschuere (Co-founder and Chief Agronomist, Soil Capital)

Discussion topics:

– Recent advancements in precision agriculture technologies that boost crop yields and minimize resource use, alongside innovations in crop genetics that bolster sustainable practices.

– The impact of new sustainable farming techniques, such as regenerative agriculture, organic farming, and agroforestry, on soil health and biodiversity.

– The critical roles of stakeholders, including farmers, tech providers, and consumer demand, in advancing sustainable agricultural innovations and practices.

18h40 Audience questions and panel responses for Panel Discussion 2

18h50 Closing Remarks and Summary

Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy MEP

– Recap of key points and actionable insights

– Information on follow-up activities or further resources

19h00 End