High-level dinner with Vice President Jyrki Katainen

GLOBE EU president Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP and GLOBE EU members Reinhard Bütikofer MEP and Peter Liese MEP welcomed Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen at a dinner to discuss the Commission’s plans for financing the EU’s transition towards a circular economy with key stakeholders.

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GLOBE EU side event during COP21 on greening the financial system

GLOBE EU organized a COP21 side event on climate financing in Paris on December 8. Chaired by Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP, our guest speakers were Nick Robins from UNEP, Hugues Chenet from 2degrees investment, and Pierre Ducret from the Groupe Caisse des Dépôts. Nick Robins presented the latest report of the Inquiry project on the design of a sustainable financial system: “The financial system we need”; Hugues Chenet explained the impact of climate risks on the re-allocation of capital whereas Pierre Ducret gave specific examples of his company’s efforts to integrate sustainability in investment decisions.

Event Summary Event Summary_081215

Presentation Inquiry – Greening the Financial System GLOBE Dec 2015





GLOBE EU event on Resource Efficiency Indicators

Good turnout for the GLOBE EU event on Resource Efficiency Indicators on November 18 with presentations by Janez Potočnik, former EU Environment Commissioner and presently co-chair of the UNEP International Resource Panel, François Wakenhut, European Commission, and Vasileios Rizos from CEPS. Resource Efficiency Indicators are an important tool to measure resource productivity and, in turn, help society progress towards a circular economy.

Event Summary

Presentation Potočnik

Presentation Wakenhut

Presentation Rizos


Joint Club of Rome / GLOBE EU event

GLOBE EU was pleased to co-host an event by the Club of Rome on October 20 where Anders Wijkman, co-president of the Club of Rome and former president of GLOBE EU, presented his recent report on the social benefits that a transformation from a linear to a circular economy would bring.