On May 11, 2022, GLOBE EU welcomed senior students from the European Schools in Brussels in the VoxBox to mark EU Overshoot Day, which this year occurred on May 2.
Sirpa Pietikäinen joined with Bas Eickhout and Catherine Chabaud to take questions from Darina Alexandrova, Anne Cécile Duponteil, and Maya Leire on limiting resource consumption in the EU, more ambitious recycling targets, and investments in renewable energy.
During the second half, Sirpa received Margrete Auken and Martin Hojsík to answer questions from Raino Kleijsen Laas, Oscar Adserbale, and Thomas Winship on environmental education, green agriculture, and meeting the EU’s carbon budget.
Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, paid a surprise visit to the VoxBox to meet with the students and their teachers.