The European Green Deal: On Track or In Trouble?


On November 17, GLOBE EU invited representatives from the European Climate Foundation, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and IUCN to convey their organization’s perspective on the European Green Deal’s proposed measures and their likely impact on climate mitigation, resource consumption, and biodiversity.  Panelists did not only consider the challenge to adopt a coherent approach to the implementation of the EGD throughout the policy-making process to avoid mutually conflicting measures.  They also focused on what would be required to monitor the impact of all measures proposed by the EGD taken together: will a simple set of indicators be sufficient and how can the EU Commission ensure timely feedback on the effect of these measures so that it can modify policies if the EGD appears to be steering the EU in the wrong direction.


Introduction Jean-François Hulot

Presentation Pete Harrison (ECF)

Presentation Carsten Wachholz (EMF)

Presentation Luc Bas (IUCN)

Discussion Summary

Speakers’ Bios

December 14, 2020

GLOBE EU Wakeup Calls

On November 4, 2020, GLOBE EU hosted guest speaker Johan Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

Rockström presentation

On November 26, 2020, GLOBE EU hosted guest speaker Sandrine Dixson-Declève, co-president of The Club of Rome.

Presentation Sandrine Dixson


On December 16, 2020, GLOBE EU hosted Tim Palmer, Royal Society Professor of Climate Physics at Oxford University.

Presentation Tim Palmer

Letter Tim Palmer to Von der Leyen & Timmermans

Commission reply to Tim Palmer’s letter

On January 19, 2021, GLOBE EU hosted Maja Göpel, research director at the New Institute

Presentation Maja Göpel

On February 11, 2021, GLOBE EU hosted Professor Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General at the World Meteorological Organization.

Presentation Petteri Taalas

On March 23, 2021, GLOBE EU hosted Betsy Otto, Director of the World Resources Institute’s Global Water Program.

Presentation Betsy Otto

On April 28, 2021, GLOBE EU hosted Peter Bakker, President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

The WBCSD has asked GLOBE EU not to publish a recording of the event but instead recommends visiting  If you would like to receive a copy of the presentation, however, please contact

On June 10, 2021, GLOBE EU hosted Dr. Jem Bendell, Professor of Sustainability Leadership with the University of Cumbria.

Jem Bendell is the author of “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy”, in which he argues that humanity needs to prepare for climate-driven societal collapse, as environmental change increasingly disrupts social, economic, and political systems.  Unlike climate change adaptation, which aims to adapt societies gradually to the effects of climate change, deep adaptation accepts that abrupt transformations of the environment are imminent.


On 18 January, 2022, GLOBE EU hosted as its guest speaker Jason Hickel, who authored “Less is More: How Degrowth will save the World”. Dr. Hickel addressed the reality of climate change and what he believes to be the true root of the problem: Capitalism.  He explained that, if we truly wish to overcome the largest issue humanity has ever faced, there is only one solution and that is degrowth.

On March 22, 2022, World Water Day, GLOBE EU welcomed Cate Lamb as its guest speaker.  Ms Lamb is Global Director Water Security with the CDP and High-Level Climate Champion Lead for Water, UNFCCC.  The event was sponsored by Ecolab, a member of the Bee Group.

On June 21, 2022, GLOBE EU hosted a WakeUp Call with Richard Heinberg.  Richard is widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost educators on the need to transition society off fossil fuels.  He spoke on the 50th anniversary of the publication of “The Limits to Growth”.

Richard’s presentation

On September 28, 2022, GLOBE EU welcomed Laura Cozzi,  Chief Energy Modeller with the International Energy Agency.  Laura addressed the current EU energy crisis and explained how Putin’s threat to cut off gas supplies to Member States could be used to boost clean energy and build a resilient & affordable EU energy system.

Laura Cozzi bio

Laura Cozzi’s presentation

On April 12, 2023, Sirpa Pietikäinen and Ville Niinistö welcomed former GLOBE EU President and honorary member Anders Wijkman and former EU Commissioner and co-chair of the International Resource Panel Janez Potočnik.  The Club of Rome presented its landmarkLimits to Growth report 50 years ago, warning of the potential resource depletion caused by population growth and the unlimited quest for material goods on a finite planet.   Anders and Janez have since released a followup report exploring how to provide the majority of the world population with a decent standard of living while staying within planetary boundaries.  Anders explained the five major turnarounds identified by the report, including addressing poverty and inequality, empowering women, transforming food and energy systems, and reducing material consumption, particularly in industrialized countries.  Janez mentioned that the International Resource Panel had identified resource use as the root of the triple planetary crisis, driving 90% of landrelated biodiversity loss, 50% of greenhouse gas emissions, and one-third of healthrelated pollution impacts  He also mentioned the three major blind spots identified by The Club of Rome, Systemiq, and Open Sciences Foundations in the EUs efforts to implement the European Green Deal: lack of holistic system change approach, lack of focus on natural resource use, and market signals, and lack of demandside focus in policy attention.  He explained that to address these issues, we must prioritize human needs over economic growth, create an economy that acknowledges our embeddedness in nature, and reform our governance structures. Economically, we must change market signals to incentivize sustainable resource use and reward innovative and responsible ways of meeting human needs. This transition can be achieved by changing tax structures and using public money and subsidies to support it, as well as service provisioning, technology, and financial assistance.  Janez concluded by emphasizing that a green future is necessary for there to be any future at all.

Speakers’ bios

Earth4All Deep-Dive paper 12

On October 11, 2023, Professor Thomas Elmqvist from the Stockholm Resilience Center presented a SAPEA paper on crisis management.  Thomas discussed the increase in extreme wildfires on a global scale and the concerning trend of wildfires occurring in areas where they have not typically happened. He mentioned specific examples of increased wildfire events in Europe, Canada, and Greece, and the significant carbon emissions resulting from these fires. He further explored the need for proactive measures and funding allocation towards wildfire prevention and reduction of risks rather than focusing primarily on emergency responses. Thomas introduced the concept of response diversity, which emphasizes the necessity of diverse ways of responding to shocks in order to maintain the functionality of the system as a whole. He highlighted the trade-off between efficiency and response diversity and emphasized the importance of considering scale while acknowledging the potential consequences of increasing efficiency and simplification on a global level. He concluded by discussing the trajectory of coping capacity, adaptive capacity, and transformative capacity in the face of cascading crises, and the increasing need for response diversity policy management.

Thomas Elmqvist’s bio

Thomas Elmqvist’s presentation

November 11, 2020

Sustainable Food and Land Use Systems

On September 8, members of GLOBE EU hosted an event (online, due to limited access to the European Parliament) together with experts on sustainable food systems, resource efficiency, and biodiversity to discuss how land for agricultural activities (growing crop, livestock) can be used more efficiently.  Speakers demonstrated how land use optimization (e.g., by promoting regenerative agriculture) would not affect current yield levels while the environmental impact of farming would be significantly reduced thereby restoring biodiversity.


Speakers bios


Oppenheim presentation

Rabbinge presentation

Obersteiner presentation

Bas presentation

October 1, 2020

Sustainability in the EU: The State of Play

GLOBE EU, with the support of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and The Club of Rome, was pleased to host three panel discussions –on our use of natural resources, the protection of our natural capital, and the sustainability of urban infrastructures and mobility– in the European Parliament, Brussels, on October 15, 2019.

The conference, which was hosted by GLOBE EU members Sirpa Pietikäinen, Peter Liese, and Seb Dance, opened with a statement by general (retired) Tom Middendorp of the International Military Council on Climate and Security.  His address was followed by interventions from Sandrine Dixson-Declève (The Club of Rome) and Joss Blériot (the Ellen MacArthur Foundation).


Conference audio recording

Speakers’ Info

Opening address Tom Middendorp

Presentation Sandrine Dixson

Presentation Peder Jensen

Presentation Jihane Ball

Presentation Bela Galgoczi

Images 1-6 are courtesy of Folker Herlyn; images 7 and 8 were kindly provided by UN Environment

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October 22, 2019

Fast-tracking a Circular Economy in the EU

GLOBE EU organized on March 19 its first major event for 2019 on “fast-tracking a circular economy in the EU” together with the Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS).  The objective of the conference was to look back on what has been achieved and present GLOBE EU’s recommendations with priorities for the next European Commission.  The event was very well attended thanks to an impressive line-up of speakers:  GLOBE EU members and MEPs Sirpa Pietikäinen, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Benedek Javor, and Bas Eijkhout acted as hosts to Commission Vice President Jyrki Katainen, Janez Potočnik, Vasileios Rizos, Luc Triangle, Carolien van Brunschot, Harriët Tiemens, and Eline Boon (see program below for details).

Event program

Event summary

GLOBE EU Recommendations

Presentation Vasileios Rizos

Presentation Carolien van Brunschot

Presentatie Harriët Tiemens

Globe EU conference on "Fast-tracking a Circular Economy in the EU" at the EP in Brussels

Globe EU conference on "Fast-tracking a Circular Economy in the EU" at the EP in Brussels

Globe EU conference on "Fast-tracking a Circular Economy in the EU" at the EP in Brussels

Globe EU conference on "Fast-tracking a Circular Economy in the EU" at the EP in Brussels

Globe EU conference on "Fast-tracking a Circular Economy in the EU" at the EP in Brussels


March 19, 2019